Thread: dieing duncan
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Old 05-20-2012, 03:17 PM
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Brown jelly very, very, bad!

My advice (having lost corals to this already . . . One can infect others) is to get it out of your tank ASAP. I didn't act fast enough. I would set up a hospital tank for it, and place it in that after doing the dip. Make sure to siphon up any brown jelly that you see: substrate, rock, water column, etc. Also, closely inspect any other corals close to it for brown jelly: especially those that are "downstream" from it.

Had I acted quickly, I wouldn't have lost everything I did. I didn't know what I was looking at, and I kept waiting for improvement. I will never allow anything with brown jelly disease to remain in my display tank ever again. Maybe I'm overreacting, but the losses were very hard for me to deal with.
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