After bringing some critters home from J&L and testing their water, I've decided to drop my Sg from 1.026 to 1.024
I'll keep it there for now as I feel it will be easier to acclimate critters to a lower Sg as opposed to a higher level
So, with that said, and after over an hour of dripping ..... ( I trippled their bag water )
I added 2 Astrea snails and 1 Red Scarlet hermit tonight
I know, I didn't want hermits in the tank ( or all the shells ), but, well, we'll see ....
Before acclimating, one of the snails had a green shell.
When I put them in the tank, the green shell was clean

They separated after about 1/2 hour and are milling about nicely
The hermit immediately started in on some guck on his rock. He kept at it for over a 1/2 hour. I think he's full and now taking a break, but here he is busy at work
Pics suck as I don't have a super-duper camera and the main lights were off
After some food I am going to add salt to the QT I just finished flow testing and will also add some to the NSW tank that is now up to temp
Tomorrow will be a 15% WC for the DT and maybe some new fishies into the QT after a trip to J&L
Plus, depending on the wife, we may end up with some corals too

Hell, we may even find some time tomorrow or Monday to hit OA as well