I'm not sure if I can make it out to the Frag Swap as I am just getting back from LA the night before and may head out to Oregon for another short trip.
So I am offering up some ORA Red Planet Frags now. I picked up a large colony for an undisclosed amount. I was planning on keeping the whole thing, but decided on sharing part of it with my fellow Canreefers in light of the rarity of a Lower Mainland Frag Swap. It was 8"x12" in size, I am keeping half of it. They will be available for sale now, so you don't have to wait until then. Anything not sold by then will still be available at Rich's. I will also be posting this in the Buy/Sell Section.
This is part of the colony that I am keeping
Please PM me with the Frag # according to the pictures below.
These are Multi-Branch Mini Colonies between 2"-3" for $75. I only have 2 of these available.
Frag #1
Frag #2
These are a bit bigger than average frag size Multi-Branch between 1"-2" for $50. I have 6 of these available.
Frag #3
Frag #4
Frag #5
Frag #6
Frag #7
Frag #8