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Old 05-16-2012, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by NU-2reef View Post
Chemi clean is an antibacterial and will kill Cyanobacteria but will also kill good beneficial bacteria. Which can cause an imbalance in the tanks biofiltration and in severe cases cause tanks to crash. I like many others have had success using it and I would recommend this as a last resort. (just before you feel like pulling your hair out).

It will not release the nutrients back into your system it just breaks it down so it can be pulled by the skimmer as dead waste.
I run a sulphur denitrator that is controlled with an ORP controller and had it running while I dosed chemiclean, the denitrator functioned properly the whole time, therefore, the chemiclean did not kill the good bacteria in the reactor so I dought it killed the good bacteria in my tank.
The package says it is safe and after using it I have to agree, I so absolutely no ill effects other than a whacked out skimmer.
Crap happens, that's why they sell toilet paper in 48 roll packs!
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