I have a pair of Ocellaris clowns who have so far shown no interest in hosting in anything. I don't have an anemone yet so I can hardly blame them. I do have a huge toadstool leather that looks nice and comfy to me, but apparently not to them

I also have a big torch, a small hammer and a frogspawn. Nothing even gets a second glance. And they do tend to hang out in the back corner of my 80.
The reason I haven't yet gotten an anemone is my tank is just coming up on it's 9 month birthday and wanted to wait until my tank had matured a bit. But I think I'm there now. I've never had any major issues with water parameters, and I dose Mg, Ca and Alk regularly with dosing pumps. I'm also running both GFO and Carbon reactors.
Here's the thing though, I've got 2 fish - a yellow watchman goby and a purple fire fish that get bullied pretty good in my main DT. I am in the process of building a 20 gal cube for them (18"X18"X18") I really am impressed with some of those cubes out there and was thinking of also adding the pair of clowns with them along with an anemone. The tank is going to be running a fairly high end DIY led light and tied in via my basement sump with my main DT. Water quality should not be an issue as there will be a total of roughly 160 gal water capacity that has run without incident for the 9 months.
My question:
What type of anemone would you all recommend for a 20 gal cube and which is most likely to be hosted by captive bread ocellaris?