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Old 05-15-2012, 10:40 PM
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Coralgurl Coralgurl is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
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I had the same problem in my tank. Was blowing it off the rocks, sucking up what I could off the sand, cleaned out the sump, didn't make a difference. I have since added a dual reactor running carbon and gfo, added a sand sifting star (he would avoid the cyano and go around it, wouldn't move on top of it). I did adjust the location of my powerheads slightly and lowered the light intensity as well. I've added a make shift refugium with cheato and another macro algae and added a orange diamond goby. I think the goby has made a world of difference. I need to move a couple of corals as his nightly burrying under a rock has pushed sand up against a couple lps, but otherwise, my sand is spotless and he doesn't spit sand everywhere, just basically gulps it and sifts it out wherever he is. Rest of the CUC is able to keep up with the rocks. Its been 3 weeks and no return of the cyano.
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