Originally Posted by Snaz
Nice job. Nice video. Thank you for sharing.
Originally Posted by ScubaSteve
Dude, those are awesome pics! Super jealous you got to work with him.
I love GPO. I've come across a few while diving and it's always a blast. There's a small one that lived in my regular dive spot for a couple years we'd stop in to visit. The guy would come out to visit us and check us out. Used to freak me out when he got too friendly. UnderwaterI wouldn't stand a chance against him!
Are you guys getting in another?
Yeah, they certainly can get friendly. Which can be pretty unnerving, just be sure they don't try and pull your mask and reg out, hah!
We are currently out looking for another
Originally Posted by Delphinus
That is awesome. Thanks for posting this!! (Thanks for putting it on Vimeo too, makes it easier for me to watch on the big screen, haha. -- I can do so on youtube too but vimeo makes it way easier..)
I don't think I've been to the aquarium in Victoria since I was a kid.  Maybe I'll change that this summer when I'm over. When did it become a "Shaw" thing?
You are probably thinking of the underseas gardens in the inner harbour of victoria? The Shaw Ocean Discovery Center is actually in Sidney, and has been up and running for 3 years. The two places are very different. It is definitely worth a visit, especially for the GPO.