Thread: venting
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Old 05-13-2012, 06:57 PM
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adding fish into the main tank without quarantine and watching them die is not the way to test if a tank is good or bad. YOu probably introduced a parasite with some of those fish and that contaminated them all. Marine velvet can kill very fast, as well as brooklynella.

If you want to be sure if your tank is safe for fish than add a few shrimps...if they survive then there is nothing toxic in that tank.

But since your fish now all died, it it best to leave that tank without fish for at least 2 months so that what ever parasite or disease killed them, it will be dead and not contaminate any new fish.

The shrimps are not affected by fish parasites and cannot sustain them, so it is safe to add shrimp and see if they survive. YOu would still need to wait 2 months before adding any new fish even if the shrimps survive.

Originally Posted by pinner_28 View Post
i'm at a total lose i'm had a total creash last year after getting back from a trip.I've been keeping the tank going without livestock for the last year so finally after checking all my paramiters i gave in to my kids request for a few fish .Got a few yesterday and last half within a few hours and lost my last one within 16 hrs i'm ata total lose.Could there be somthing in my sand or rock that is killing the fish i checked everthhing again after the loses and they still seem ok.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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