Wow, close call. Good thing no one is injured or too much damage to home. Good reminder to ensure all equipment with a cord that has anything to do with tank has a drip loop, on a GFCI & power bars are as far away as practical from the water. Never heard about water wicking right thru the cord to the plug though, so I learned something new reading this thread. Starting to feel a bit nervous about having my LED light power supply mounted in the center compartment under the stand. There's no sump or anything so it's dry down there, but if the tank itself ever develops a leak, who knows what could happen. But I suppose if the tank springs a large enough leak, there would be other issues. My hang on skimmer is mounted beside the tank on a little stand. Below it I've mounted my two main power bars, so not ideal either if the skimmer decides to leak. I have the power bars mounted upside down & diagonally though, so there's much less chance of water ingress in the event of a minor leak. If it's a major one, well, the wall plug itself isn't that far away, so bad things will happen in any case if the GFCI doesn't do its thing.