I finally got around to setting up this Tunze ATO 3155
I gotta tell ya, when I first walked away from it, I thought it was all good. I tested it by pulling water out with a jug, and then putting it back, and all was great.
I went to the kitchen and started a conversation with the wife ....
Not long after, the Hi alarm went off and we thought it was something on the TV
I ran to the sump room and, after viewing the problem, I unplugged the power supply to the ATO. It had already dumped 1 gallon of RO into the sump !!!!!!!!!
I then spent the next, say, 2 hours, setting it up and I
think it's all good now.
So, problem solved, at least overnight, and we'll deal with it tomorrow

I had to add some salt and remove some water ......
My problem, I think, was the chaeto tank.
For those of you that haven't been following along, it's above the sump on a separate pump.
I watched when the chaeto tank level raised, and, of course, the sump level dropped.
I never thought this would be enough to upset the ATO, but it did.
The trick was to set the ATO to ignore all this, yet still work properly
I ended up having to set the Optical sensor much higher than originally planned. It is now very close to the HI level float.
Seems to work so far ... 3 hrs running and no stupid cycling
I cannot post a good pic as the location of the mounts is tight
Useless pic .....