Thread: Warning
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Old 05-11-2012, 04:49 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
No, my quarantine tank is beside the frag tank, with the power bar on the floor (smart thing #1). Aquaclear filter hasn't been cleaned lately (smart thing #2) and dripped onto the frag tank power bar. I thought I smelled something last night, but (smart thing #3) I didn't see anything and ignored it. Tonight, I get call from wife to get a$$ home now, as house is on fire.

As for the chiller, it just decided to work properly since I posted. Go figure...

buddy thats the EXACT same thing that happened to me powerbar behind the tank, aquaclear dripped onto bar....came home to a tank that had no movement .....i went in and stuck my finger in the tank..the i noticed the burn marks up the wall and all the plugs and powerbar were melted

hope everything is ok
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