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Old 05-10-2012, 03:06 PM
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sunoka is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by dacookster View Post
Well, it's taken me about an hour to read and decipher all of these posts. I'm not 100% sure on what feelings and opinion I walk away with here. I guess in the general reefing community I am a noob, only 1.5 years in, and yes, I was lured to this fish by a large chain fish store like many others. It's great to see such passion and involvement of members in these communities, but at the same time I find it quite striking that a moral debate would ensue about keeping this fish, or any for that matter. There's some great advice here and i will do whats best in my ability to keep all my "pets" alive. I became a reefer because for some reason I can sit and watch my tank in wonder for hours. I can't explain it. Fascination maybe, of both nature and mankind's ability to nurture nature in a controlled environment. Cool, but I had a dog once, who ate very well, was well groomed and loved. He died of cancer long before his time. How is reefing any different than owning a dog. You raise it, care for it because it provides some peace and enjoyment in your life, but in the end, we're not masters of this universe. Thank you to all who posted feeding and care guidelines that have worked for you. I will be glad to try anything to keep my little guy happy and healthy. I sure hope I didn't start WWIII amongst some of you. I respect you all for taking the time to address my issue. I actually don't feel bad anymore, just more driven to have happy healthy fish!

ATTA boy...I found my info out side of canreef as well as what was offer here. It`s not as bomb and glomb as some say. I have to feed my cleaners twice a day because I have other fish that pick at the rocks all day as well as the cleaner.
As you have red in these forms there is success with these fish just as I say get a new fish to the store not one that maybe starving because the LFS has cheaper budget for food than you will have and time which they sometimes don`t have the time to for each fish. Time and patients is key.
Try beef heart minced with garlic to start and then introduce frozen. This worked for both my cleaners. Good luck it can be done
77 gal,33gal fug, Reef Octopus EXT 200,Mag7
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