Thread: 55g reef build
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Old 05-09-2012, 09:15 PM
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kdpuffer kdpuffer is offline
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So after a couple weeks without updates I figure I should get on it. I have added the last of my live rock and they came with some nice hitch hikers, loads of brittle stars and a porcelain crab. I also added my sand and upgraded my powerheads to a couple koralia 1050. Added some corals also including some lunar eclipse and fire and ice zoas along with a nice green and purple frogspawn. My rodi system came in Monday so I don't have to buy rodi anymore as my ATO is on its way. I also added a bunch of snails and a few emerald crabs aswell as a cleaner shrimp. Everyone is happy and healthy. I had a pretty nasty algae outbreak that I am working on eliminating and so far the battle has been going my way. Attachment 9489Attachment 9490Attachment 9491
Fishy Fishy Fishy Fish, wherever did you go?

Last edited by kdpuffer; 06-27-2012 at 11:43 PM.
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