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Old 05-09-2012, 05:14 PM
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sunoka sunoka is offline
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Location: Westbank, BC
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sunoka is on a distinguished road
Default Cleaner Wrasse

I have one in each of my 2 tanks. The cleaner in the 25 gal is 3 years old to me don`t know how old it was before we bought it but was just new to the store still in QT when my wife put it on hold. And the other is a little over a year in the 77 gal. tank. These are not a easy fish to keep! I was lucky to convert both to frozen food with a bit of work but both fish started with beef heart and now are on fish food home made and bought they even eat flake food.

I do not recommend this fish to anybody that has not done alot of research and are dedicated to the work involved to introducing this type of fish to there tank. I lost one because he was in the store for 2 weeks before I bought it so that was the first lesson he was gone with in 2 days of purchase.
77 gal,33gal fug, Reef Octopus EXT 200,Mag7
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