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Old 05-09-2012, 05:11 PM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
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I have ran biopellets in my tank for over 1 yr with no I'll effects, however I found that running the high efficiency gfo from BRS stripped the water so fast that I lost a few acros aswell as brown outs in my others. After removing the H.E. Gfo things are back to normal.

There are some reports that bio pellets can cause cyano and other bad things like hair algae by releasing nitrates back into the tank. Some of this maybe true..... Although they do work and work well.

There have been numerous discussions about running biopellets and some say the return of the pellet reactor should go to the skimmer so that the waste can be skimmed out while others will say it should go near the return pump so when it breaks down can feed corals aswell as the fish.

I tried feeding mine to the return pump and had cyano algae from time to time, recently after a long discussion and looking at the display tank at JL, Jeff swung my decision and got me to reroute my bio pellet return to my skimmer. To my amazement my skimmer produces 2X the skimmate and it's very thick nog. Also no more trace cyano anywhere.....

I must say I am very happy that I talked to Jeff as he always has a wealth of knowledge and is always up to par with the newest equipment, also I run an algae scrubber that I am extremely happy with. Running the biopellet and algae scrubber in unison has given my tank a great combo for stripping nitrates and excess phosphates from the tank in a slow form that won't shock the sps.... Also I would like to add that I do dose Brightwells MB7 to introduce a newer bacteria culture every 2 weeks.

Hopefully you don't through biopellets out the window, maybe it was the gfo that stripped the phosphates so fast that yourmontis suffered, a few members have stated that gfo strips water clean fast which is why on a smaller system like mine I decided to go with a more natural route....
Always looking for the next best coral...

90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips
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