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Old 05-09-2012, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
I haven't even bothered to get out of bed yet to check the coral (and the new fish so nevermind that)
But I do intend to order more from Burc.

Anthony, Keith, what is happening?
I understand if you 2 dont want involvement in dealing with returns or another order.

Will we wait a little and they place another order? Smaller of coarse but at least to meet that 300 minimum. Then replacements can be sent with the order?
Let the detritus settle and give evevyone a chance to re-evaluate their buys. The orders that do require replacement or credit are ultimately between the buyer and Burc but I think if we coordinate it will be cheaper for everyone, smaller shipping fees.

I am very happy with my order and I am sorry for those who are not. Let's discuss here how we want to proceed. Thank you for keeping it civil.
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