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Old 05-09-2012, 03:03 PM
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Snaz Snaz is offline
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Hi Guys. Please take a deep breath and lets work with Burc to make everyone happy.

Those that DID NOT PARTICIPATE in this buy please do not comment here, this thread details this buy and this buy only. If you want to create a new thread with your thoughts about fragalot then please do so. I need this thread to stay focused about this buy. Please respect that.

Burc cannot defend himself here as he is not a sponsor. Burc has emailed me and I will repost it and then THOSE THAT PARTICIPATED can contact Burc or discuss here. I have not talked with Anthony so I do not know if he wants to be invloved with returns etc. Frankly I would not. These sales are ultimately between Burc and the buyer our involvement was to coordinate the buy into one order which we have done. Anyway here is Burc's email"

"Mistake can happen. But i am not ignoring anyone, i can forward you emails from the people and my responses to them. I just dont think i deserve to be attacked like this from same people all the time.

I will ask a favor from you guys, if you have space and if you would like to do, I will refund the payment if anyone in your group feel ripped off. Once they return the frags back to you.

Please let me know about this.

Thank you very much."
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