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Old 05-09-2012, 05:12 AM
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troni troni is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: edmonton
Posts: 287
troni is on a distinguished road
Default fs - equipment EDM

Aquatic Life Internal Mini Skimmer 115 Protein Skimmer - 30
marineland 1500 pump can be used as powerhead or return pump less than 2 months old - 20
koralia nano 425 - 15
20 lbs live sand - 10
50w heater - 5
floating hydrometer/thermometer - 5
tank / aquarium ,
sump with four chambers including refugium
Z pvc overflow and all plumbing - 125 includes other nick nacks and some salt
4 stage ro/di including storage tank - 100
Can't is the cancer of happen - charlie sheen

20g reef 25g sump, DIY led form modular led, 2 false percs

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