Thread: First loss....
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Old 05-07-2012, 06:18 PM
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Originally Posted by reefgirl189 View Post
While we are kind of on topic would you replace that fish without knowing the reason for its death in the first place?

The reason I ask is because my sailfin passed away about a month ago and I have no idea why. I really miss him and I want to get another but I'm afraid he'd meet the same demise. So is it irresponsible to get a replacement fish without knowing the cause of the death on the first one?
I wouldn't consider a second attempt irresponsible, provided the first casualty was otherwise healthy.

Personally, I'm resigned to the fact I shouldn't have a Lawnmower Blenny, but that's after losing 3 and knowing how they met their demise. The first one was my fault (newb mistake) for not properly covering the intake of an AquaClear powerhead. In his grazing frenzy he obviously got too close & got stuck to it. By the time I saw him he was already dead. The second was a carpet surfer, found him on the floor all dried up. The third attempt was sketchy at the start since the guy was tiny when I got him. But against those odds, chased by nearly every other fish in the tank, he made it to adult size with no harm done. After about a year as an adult, he just stopped eating & starved. Sad to watch but I could do nothing to get him to eat. So I guess for the last one I didn't really know why, but I knew how. In any case, much as I appreciate their character, I won't try another. Maybe when I get a larger tank....
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