Reef Pilot
You show your arrogance in attacking Myka. She provides lasting information to new reefers which info is permanently posted on this board. She freely offers advice in her many postings.
She is writing to help new reefers not to earn the Pulitzer Prize in Literature. Your attack is hurtful and completely uncalled for and I request that you apologise to her.
You show your ignorance by suggesting that Robert Fenner who posts on
and by implication other experts like Scott Michael represent dated thinking.
These fellow hobbyists who have PHds, and are accommoplished and acnowledged experts in our hobby, provide current information from on going study and ongoing lectures to fellow hobbyists like us.
If guys like these are not the experts, than who? YOU!!! lol
From time to time guys of your ilk hit the board. They ignore the advice of experts. attack fellow posters personally, and encourage fellow reefers to push things to the limit with the resultant fish and coral carnage.
Thankfully guys like you come and go because ultimately their tanks turn to a bio mass of algae and gunk and they leave the hobby.