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Old 05-06-2012, 08:25 PM
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No unfortunatly no Petland around here. I tried to find some often but never managed and no one carry them around here. I could have them mail ordered but that's too expensive.

Strange that the mandarin won't eat them. Both of my green mandarins will gobble white worms like popcorn.

Did your mandarin ever tasted the black worms? Or he simply do not consider this as food and never ever tried? I am curious to see if he really dislike them or it's just that he never bothered to try it?

Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Do you have Petland there? That's where I get Blackworms. They are $20 for a "small" bag that I can't use up in 3 weeks (15 fish eating 3 meals a day), which is as long as I've been able to get them to last. My Mandarin is the only fish that won't eat them, but he eats frozen food.
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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