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Old 05-06-2012, 05:56 PM
goldie goldie is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: penticton,bc
Posts: 47
goldie is on a distinguished road
Default stocking suggestions for a 65 gallon reef

I am planning my livestock for my RSM250(65 gallons). Before I go and order my fish I figured I would ask for the 2 cents of the experts on here.
What I was thinking was to start with:
gold and blue blenny
after that I would like to add a hector's goby/ with a pistol shrimp
I would LOVE a tang, but really not sure what kind(if any)would be ok...I hear mixed reviews on that subject.
6 line wrasse
what else do you suggest?
I am not interested in really expensive fish or ones with high demands.
I plan on keeping soft corals and LPS.
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