Originally Posted by gregzz4
You're right, I should be comfy and just get it goin' .. so that's what I'm doin' - enough thinkin', more doin'
You can't live through mine, there's no size comparison
What's your next order for ? And we're waitin' for the stand update, plus the final on the rock wall
my next order is 2 more koralia powerheads 750gph and 100 feet of 1/4 tubing to run to my ro unit and a module for an apex controller. i found an apex lite used for 6 months for 250 bucks from a reefer on our provincial forum. i could not refuse. with that i can finally start the stand and design the power center for the system. i will still have to eventually order another power bar for it. but that can happen after its running. no rush.
lol as for the rock wall update that will be awhile yet theone wall is still airing out in the rain and the girls havebeen sick withthe flu so my attentionis on them. the framework is made just have to attach rock and foam. then seal. besides i haveto have some sort of suspence onthe build lol. cant show everything...i should have a couple updates after the weekend maybe if weather permits.