Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 05-04-2012, 04:52 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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I'm feeling a little pressure here - not only from all the fantabulous builds going on around me, but also from some so-called friends
With all the planning I've been doing, I've probably been stalling as I'm leery of what I may be missing

One thing that has slowed me down, besides all the re-plumbing, has been the rock curing.
I think every time I change the water, it cycles a bit again. But that doesn't explain the PO4, or does it ?
I just tested the rubbermaid after 10 days and I still have 0.1 NO3 and 0.025 or so PO4

Mindy, I tried my best, but 3 months of cookin' in the dark and I can't take it anymore

I was going to have a serious sleep on what's keeping me from puttin' water in this thing tomorrow, but I'm now thinking I may as well start tonight. Then the RO can start re-filling while I sleep ( nightmares of flooding )

- I have the floats installed, they just need to be programmed, but I don't want to do that until it's running

- Heaters and chiller are good to go, just need to set up the ATO, but can't do that until it's running

- Still need to build a splash barrier for the electrical panel, but that can wait a bit. A garbage bag will do in a pinch for now

- I'm still planning the light-bleed barrier for the ATI, but I think I have finally figured that out today.

So ... I guess I'll start draining that big barrel tonight

Dam you Kenny
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