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Old 05-04-2012, 02:46 AM
tim the toolman tim the toolman is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
actually BBS is not the best diet for mandarins. They are free swimmers, and don't stay on the rocks where mandarins hunt, unless the BBS are dying. Also not the best for nutritional value unless freshly hatched.

Best choices are copepods, but if you don't have enough, the second best choice are white worms. I have yet to see a mandarin refuse them, they sit on the bottom of the tank and wiggle for a few hours.

After white worms, the mandarin starts weating frozen, and if you are lucky pellets.

That is how we get our new arrivals to eat
Does the selcon enrichment not provide enough nutrition?
Also do you have white worms available? Would like to get some asap?
Copepods as well?
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