Update: 24/04/12
new pictures:
- changed my RODI from 7 stages to 5, but with a bigger Di canister
- Has of april, decided to go on growth mode, thats means, higher parameters
Nitrate: 5
Magnesium: 1400ppm
Calcium: 460 ppm
Phosphate: 0
Alk: 12 dkh
Temp: 78-80
Salinity 1.025
Ph: 8.40
- I'm adding 60 ml of magnesium weekly now.
Update: 2/04/12
- Added a pic of my kalkwsser reactor
- Im adding iodine with
Red sea reef colors A,
Amin and
Power Trace 1 via
Bubble Magus doser and Seaside Aquatics
liquid containers (2.5L)
- added Scooter Blenny (Synchiropus ocellatus), Achilles Tang (Acanthurus achilles), Banghai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kauderni)
Update 01/05/12
-added a pic of my bio pellets that I forgot to show
-added pics of my fish
-updated pic of the frag tank
Update 03/15/12
- added pictures of
- long Spined Urchin
- purple Tube anemone