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Old 05-03-2012, 11:09 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by garvin View Post
We're moving out of the province in june and need to start thinning out some things for the move.

We sadly have to sell our tank. Its a 30 gallon starfire cube. This is a complete marine setup.

30 gal starfire cube
stand $100

175w metal halide $100

about 60 lbs live sand
about 40 lbs live rock $150

mated piar of percs, they lay eggs about once a month or so
watchman goby
large toadstool
large clam
green star polyps
fighting conch
stomatella snails, nassarius snails
lots of benificial worms, tons of pods etc $150

full pail of royal nature salt
2 heaters, power heads, extra pumps and pails for mixing salt
home made food
2 kinds of phyto, enough left of each to start a culture
frozen food such a mysid, zooplancton, cyclops eez etc
and misc things that build up with a tank over time $100

Asking 600 obo. No low ballers, this is a nice heathly tank, if you total everything up its well over 1200.

if you were to go this route you would sell in no time and you would get your 600
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