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Old 03-22-2004, 02:17 PM
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Trevor Robertson Trevor Robertson is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Posts: 201
Trevor Robertson is on a distinguished road
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I just got back on today. Well I increased my bio levels and now I can see two other area's. Only 1 of the 8 players I can see is really playing so I sent him a message to say "hey lets work together" and he sent back a message saying okay but oops I sent 4 destroyers to you, (he ment to send them to the planet next to me) not a big deal I have 6 destroyers around that planet plus 8 starbases and 12 more destroyers around if I need them (just in other area's) so I think this guy will help me out a bit but looks like I am way farther then him though.

Any way good thing that the server is back up!!

Oh and buck.. thanks for the referal I know have my boss playing so that is all we do all day now! :-)
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