Originally Posted by RDNanoGuy
Yes it's true, RC is a very expensive hobby! If its radio controlled I probably have it!
Currently I race in the 1/8 nitro buggy and 1/8 nitro trigger classes. I race X-Ray brand cars from Slovakia exclusively. They are the Swiss watches of the RC car world. A typical racing chassis from them runs around $750.00. Add a $500.00 racing .21 engine and pipe and electronics and a running car runs about $2000.00!
Then there's the helicopters which are even worse! My Century gas 'copter is worth around $4500.00. I could buy alot of really nice corals and fish for that! Lol.
Thank-you! I just showed this post to my wife to prove that $640 for a Savage Flux HP is a great deal. I just do the upgrades over time so she doesn't know how much these cars really cost in the end.

I'm just a basher myself and have never even been to a local track.