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Old 05-03-2012, 02:33 AM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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Some clown with never host an anemone. I had 2 occellaris for about a year and they never even got close to my anemone. I tried the picture thing and it did not work either. I ended up selling those clownfish and bought to babies black ice (also occellaris) and in less than 2 days they were hosting. They are now hosting 2 anemones (sebae) and a duncan part time.

It's cute to see each clownfish go into its own anemone at night to sleep.

The tric here was to replace the clownfish.

Originally Posted by krisalexander View Post
Maybe a stupid question, and I know the real answer is wait until they do it, but I sometimes get a bit impatient.

Anyone had any luck with any tricks to getting clowns to host in their Anemone?

I have had a couple of clowns for 2 months and a GBTA for a month.


More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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