Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 05-01-2012, 08:16 AM
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Here's another project I dealt with

Digital Aquatics decided to make their float hangers capable of only reaching tank depths of 11-1/4" max. This is with the float touching the bottom of the tank.
How does that work for me when my sump needs an 18-3/8" hanger ?
I need a low-level pump shut-off that works with my 50g sump

So, out come the tools ....

I used a 20" piece of 1/4" x 1" plex and made my own hanger.
All I needed was 2 pieces of metal to clamp the acrylic to hold the bend area, and a 3rd piece of metal to create the isolation area for heating.
I exposed about 1" of the acrylic holding the 3rd piece and heated it, then moved the 3rd piece under, along with the gun.
When I saw the acrylic starting to become a different clarity, I bent it and held it in place. I then un-clamped it and cooled it with water to speed up the process.

Next I drilled 13/64 holes and tapped them with a 1/4" ( 20 ) NC tap.

It's a slice of pie if you take your time. Just back the drill bit out every 1 second or so. This will alleviate breakage. Pressure, off, pressure, you'll see what I mean. Just don't let the bit bite into the acrylic.

Now I can adjust my floats to any height I choose

I don't think there's much else to say .... here's the pics

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