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Old 05-01-2012, 04:49 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
Sure a damsel is a damsel towards other species of damsel, and chromis are related to damsel but that doesnt say what will happen with 4 species of chromis in 1 tank, kept as singles. Since their not the same species they shouldnt school so they shouldnt pick off the weak fish in the school right?
They'll do the same thing; pick each other off given inadequate confines. Again, Chromis are just damsels with notably reduced aggression. If you have something a little meaner that keeps them on their toes, they'll be less inclined to take each other out. But the point is moot since we're talking about a 10 gallon tank.

Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
As with the damsels from what youre saying it seems better to stick with the Pomacentrus, and from what I'm reading to avoid the Dascyllus at all costs.
What about the other Genus of damsels? like Paraglyphidodon, or how you said some in the same genus as the yellowtails was good
If I didn't list it, it is or will become a monster. No exceptions except perhaps for Fusilier Damsels, genus Lepidozygus, but they are hard to find and require far more space than most people have available.

Originally Posted by Coasting View Post
I would rather a few $4 fish not get along vs a few $20 fish
Which is why Im trying to figure out what I can do with these fish we can get for under 5 bucks... But at the same time I dont want to see anyone die lol
Stick with a Chrysiptera species and maybe a Chromis. At the end of the day, a 10 gallon is probably going to leave you with one or the other.

Edit: The other thing to keep in mind is variable personality...
This and that.
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