want to clear out the following to get some sandbed reality back for an elegance i want to purchase.
orange and red welso brain around 6-7" $150
orange/green and white scoly 4-5" $100
neon green blasto with red frill $20 per head
montastrea sp $20/frag
pink and green reverse prism favia $30/frag
black suncoral:$5 per polyp(all polyps eating)
and some zoas from my fragtank for fun,have multiples of all these:
orange and baby blues: $10/frag
red people eaters paly: $20/frag
pink zoas:$10/frag
red and black zoas(darth mauls??) $50/frag
purple and green zoa:$10/frag
watermelons: $10/frag
green dragon eyes: $10/frag
radiactive dragon eyes: $15 for the last frag
have a large colony of zoas its a mix of watermelons,green dragon eye and some other green zoa, the rock has between 70-100 heads :$50
am available most evenings
always open for trades of duncans if its diff then i have or any type of lps that catches my interest....oh and im a sucker for gorgonians