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Old 05-01-2012, 02:12 AM
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Originally Posted by tt101 View Post
i would not have the heart to flush them lol......if i never got my mandarin yesterday i would have made this a damsel tank.....i doubt he would do well with them and i love him so i am not risking it
Actually a mandarin is generally fine with damsels. The danger with mandarins is mostly competition for their food source of pods, unless they've been trained to eat prepared food, which few will survive on long term. Mandarins do their thing & are left alone by most fish, even aggressive ones due to a distasteful coating they have. I've seen my damsel try to nudge my mandarin away from it's perceived territory, but that's about it. My Maroon clownfish has also only ever nudged the mandarin when he lingers a little too close to a clutch of eggs. Never any harm done. BTW, just in case you're not aware, clownfish are included in the damsel species.
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