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Old 04-30-2012, 11:29 PM
Brightwhite Brightwhite is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Edmonton, AB
Posts: 119
Brightwhite is on a distinguished road

Regal tang 4" $50
Sailfin tang 3" $30
Royal gramma $10 *flash
Bangai cardinal $10
Mcawske wrasse $10 *flash
Mandarin goby $20
Scooter blenny $10
2 cleaner shrimp $15 for both *cordeiro
1 fire shrimp $25
2 Chromis blue $free *flash

Zoa rock $50
Gsp rock $30
Frogspawn 8ish heads $50
Frogspawn 1 head $10 *troni
4 ricordia $60
Clam $30 *aaronh
brain $30
Coco worm $10
Blasto 1 head $10
Gold torch 2 heads $40

Black clown, orange clown hosting in a very nice rbta on a rock $120

I still have about 14 pm's to go through, but heres an updated list as of now. Im going in order on the msg's.

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