Thread: RTN!! $@#&!!
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Old 04-30-2012, 11:25 PM
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Ultra low nutrients systems do tend to make coral pastel in color but nowhere near the bleaching you have. Corals are actually very colorfull and saturated in color in a ULN.

I don't see much if any color in your corals. They should very saturated in color.

Look at any zeovit sytem and you will see how they should be in a ULN. IN a system with nitrates and phosphates like mine, they don't have to be brown. Mine are very colorfull, just darker in color and very far from brown, but I do feed them coral food each day.

Originally Posted by chris121277 View Post
Oh I forgot to mention that I'm increasing my feeding as well.....and I am listening don't you worry LOL

So, the other people have had the SPS's pale after starting Bio pellets?.....see I've been unsure as to what has started the change in my corals (changed to many things at once) I started Pellets and upgraded my lights, switched to H20 pro salt, and changed my flow all at the same time
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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