I think I can help you out here. List of Damsels I would consider to be highly desirable reef fish:
Most Chrysiptera species, including
- Starki Damsels
- Tabolt's Damsels
- Yellowtail Damsels
- Rollandi Damsels
- Springer's Damsels
Most members of the Pomacentrus, including
- Alleni Damsels
- Pomacentrus coelestis
A few Chromis species, namely
- Green Chromis (don't buy a huge school unless you have a big tank AND something that will harass them, otherwise you'll end up with a pair)
- Vanderbilt Chromis
- Chromis operculari
- Chromis retrofasciata
What to avoid:
Pretty much everything else.
This and that.
Last edited by albert_dao; 04-30-2012 at 10:33 PM.
Reason: emphasis on the AND clause under chromis