Originally Posted by reefermadness
I think we have gotten to the point where good skimmers are very affordable...people are trying carbon dosing, gfo etc and I'm seeing many people with the the same symptoms. In fact I've helped quite a few and all of them have improvement after listening to my advise.
Oh I forgot to mention that I'm increasing my feeding as well.....and I am listening don't you worry LOL
So, the other people have had the SPS's pale after starting Bio pellets?.....see I've been unsure as to what has started the change in my corals (changed to many things at once) I started Pellets and upgraded my lights, switched to H20 pro salt, and changed my flow all at the same time

90 Gal mixed reef with a custom 40 gal sump, SWC Mini S skimmer, 8X56 Watt fan modded Tek, 2x2LF reactors, mag 12 return, Tunze ATO and a modded Tunze 6100 running on a DIY wave controller
My TOTM thread