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Old 04-28-2012, 04:01 PM
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foxfishfan foxfishfan is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 38
foxfishfan is on a distinguished road

Live rock about 80 lbs available for $4/lb, no apstasia or assorted pests. Some rock has palys or mushrooms on it. Fat healthy yellow tang $50, breeding pair maroon clowns $70, cleaner wrasse spoken for. Tank and stand spoken for. Aqua Remora hang on skimmer with almost new pump $80, Aquaclear 110 filter great for 120g tank 6mths old $50, and 4ft Tek 4 bulb T5 lights $225obo.
120g mixed fish/coral tank: regal tang, yellow tang, flame-finned tang, foxface, puffer,4 clowns, mandarin,coral beauty,blue cleaner wrasse.
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