Thread: LED Intensity
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Old 04-27-2012, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
What you should do is try placing them in various different spots and seeing what you like best.
Well ya, but no. The question is rather than going with 4 or 5 or 6 lights at 50% intensity, why not go with less units, a little higher, at say, 80%? Most threads you read claim to run at much lower than full intensity. I'm sure visual coverage with three units in my case will be fine at 50 or 100, but what I'm concerned with is color of corals. I need to maintain that.

But more generally, just asking why most people run lower than 100. a single unit on a small tank is self explanatory, the lamp is clearly too powerful and you can't run less than one. But for 4' tanks, why run the lamp or multiple units at less than full, then buy additional lights to make up for it?
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