Well to start with.
Ice road across the Mackenzie River is out and will be 6 weeks before we have a land link with the south. Hopefully this will be the last time as it looks like our 200 million bridge should be completed by the fall. Hopefully we are stocked up on all precious commodities so that we don't get gouged if they have to fly things across the river.
Last 2 years we have had lineups for gas, were only allowed 50 liters per fill and all at the wonderful price of 2.50 a liter.
LFS has no saltwater anything , but , they will bring livestock in from their supplier. Here are some prices for livestock
Elegance Coral Pink -$185.00
Candy Green Metalic M Caulastrea echinulata-$80.00
Maze Brain/Brain eyes Green Metalic Goniastrea sp.- $135.00
Brain Lobo ORANGE Lobophyllia hemprichii - $145.00
Cleaner Shrimp Hippolysmata grahami- $45.00
Salaris Blenny ~ Algae Eating Salarias Fasciatus $35.00
Purple Decorated Firefish Nemateleotris Decora $95.00
Bi-colored Blenny Ecsenius Bicolor $25.00
Indonesian Jawfish Opistognathus Sp. $40.00
Sailfin Blenny Emblemaria pandionis $60.00
Just a partial list but you can pretty much take J&L prices and at least double them . To make it worthwhile to order from anywhere else you must order enough to cover the 80.00 shipping charges. (unless you have friend that works for airline LOL)
Anyway , those are my rants for today. All the meds from my kidney stones are starting to kick in and its getting harder to focus on what I;m actually talking about , so I must end it here