Well yesterday was the tank move! It was a great success, everything is in the tank in the new house looking good.
I bought 5 pails/lids from home depot for my Live rock, and I used a cooler for the livestock. I rinsed out the cooler before well with water and vinegar, then rinsed it multiple times with ro water. I siphoned tank water into the cooler and put all the coral in there. Then I Started siphoning the water into the pails and placing the Live rock in. After I had all the Live rock out of the tank i could catch the fish, and they went into the cooler. I kept 3 inches of water over my sand in the tank, and I started moving it all into the van.
The van was super packed, because nothing could move around if the van needed to stop in a hurry. I wrapped the tank in towels to try to add some cushioning around it.
My friend drove the van for me, so i could keep a close watch on the temperature on the cooler, and the one pail that has an xenia attached to the live rock. I had a heater in the cooler and the xenia pail, and I had a lighter plug in with a plug-in adapter. We turned up the van's temperature, making it uncomfortable for us, but the pails all stayed at a cozy 77.9 degrees.
Once at the new house I found the tanks new location, set up/leveled the stand, added the pails of water with live rock, then heated both tank and cooler to 78.5 degrees, and added the fish. today , the tank is looking clear, and everything is open! Overall, huge success!