Originally Posted by Seriak
So I have a question about my air exchanger. When we initially built the house, they told us they installed an air exchanger as these new houses are somewhat air tight. They said to be careful how much I use it as it could increase my electric bill if I keep blowing all my hot air outside and my furnace has to run more often to keep the house at a certain temperature. Anyways, years later we had a A/C unit installed and connected to the furnace. We still hadn't really used the air exchanger up to this point. I recently turned on the air exchanger while my furnace thermostat was set to off just to circulate the air in my house. I noticed that the fan on my A/C unit would run when the air exchanger was on. It was not cooling the air but it was running continuously while the air exchanger was on. Is this normal? I don't know much about these things.
Yes if you are running the air exchanger the furnace fan will come to replace the air in the house that the exchanger is removing from the house. Air going out has to be replaced with air from your furnace it will have a fresh air outside connection that pulls in the fresh air to accomplish this. This is a typical hook up in the newer homes.