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Old 04-24-2012, 10:05 PM
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Greg never said you were saying for people not to come to the store. Though in saying you only liked the frags and found everything else very disappointing after a short visit than I felt I should explain as to why things may have appeared that way. Maybe I should have informed you as to all that is going on at the moment but it didn't appear like you were wanting to know. We had a great chat about plumbing and the one weird fitting check valve and few laughs about it so had no idea you felt this way . If you had shown any concern or had any questions I would have gladly answered them and will try and let more people know all that is upcoming for the store. Lots of people know that were doing a bit of reno's but will try to get the word out so everyone is informed. Though I'm sure this thread is now helping lol. Hopefully you'll be back in when everything's back on track and have a better experience.

Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Thanks for the input Jim
I don't see anything in my post that told people not to shop with you. I also said nothing about not returning. I had a good experience dealing with you personally

And ya, a sign explaining the status of the store would have taken all the disappointment out of my visit and I would not have posted anything