Well said! And don't forget to add that you guys are the friendliest, most helpful store around too. Oh, and damn funny! You and Janet are like your own stand-up act.
Originally Posted by reptile guy
This is Jim from OA the guy you were speaking with yesterday. I'm not on here too often ( young kids at home take up a lot of ones time lol ) but Wendell told me about the comments you made about the store so felt I should address. At the moment yes parts of the store are in a bit of disarray because of renovations with large tanks being moved and taken down and soon a new frag tank to be put up. While by no means a disaster the shops not as tidy because of that fact. Lots of big displays, hardware and all types of products would be great but require funding to do so and funding we don't have. It's not that easy or simple in a hobby that's slow right now with a lot of people that have gotten out and not many getting in. You can't order and do all these things if your funding doesn't allow it though it is something were working on and will hopefully be changes upcoming. We used to have 3 people on during the week now except for one day there's just one. Most of the time during the week it's just me here so hard to keep on top of it all and make all the improvements we would like to see done. It's unfortunate to hear a store on the island seems to be closing as I'm a hobbyist first and love to see all the stores stay a float but such a tight market right now. While were not where we'd like to be just yet we're working on some of those goals which will hopefully be a benefit to our customers. If you come into the store to talk to me you will always get an honest answer and will always do my best to help you out. If I don't know the answer will tell you and will not make one up. If I show you a product and seem excited about it it will be because I am and likely want the same for my tank ( new LED lighting for my 300 lol Also something I'm working on lol ). First and foremost we believe in running the store honestly so is why I'm being upfront and telling you how things are. We have some great customers ones I love to chat and joke around with whether there buying something or not there always great to see. If you feel our store is very disappointing then there's plenty of other stores to shop at but I have to disagree and know our good customers will still come in. I feel making such a judgement call on one visit seems quite hasty but everyone is entitled to there thoughts.Funds maybe tight at the moment as they are for so many stores but things are slowly being addressed and I still take pride in OA. That's my rant for the day and thanks to all our customers posted the nice words and hope to see and chat with you soon!