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Old 04-24-2012, 03:15 AM
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lockrookie lockrookie is offline
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Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
Don't get things shipped by courier and you don't pay brokerage or duty, most times not even taxes. I buy things from the US and over seas often and just get it sent via USPS or regular air mail and have only occasionally had to pay GST but never any of the other charges you list. Maybe from a business perspective when you are buying pallets of stuff you can't avoid some of these charges but a regular consumer can. It usually takes 2-3 weeks this way but it's much cheaper. I even have over seas merchants ask me what I want them to declare the value of the merchandise is to lower the potential GST costs on my end. I really don't know how customs decides when to charge GST or not but so far I only pay it 1 in 10 purchases.
Wife s from the us if you mail the package and keep the items under a 60 dollar value you can get away with no duty...

Kind you he parents shipped up clothes she left in by and. THey charged us 40 dollars for used clothing we already owned

Sent from a pineapple under the sea...
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