I'm in. I don't mind coordinating with him either. I can receive the shipment and hold things provided that most people pick up their stuff within a day or two as my tank isn't huge.
Some recommendations:
1) Let's set a final date that this goes through so we're not waiting forever for people to figure their stuff out.
2) Pick ups have to happen that day unless you make arrangements with the receiver to hold your shipment as they'll have to take them out of the bags and acclimate them to their tank rather than just floating the bags.
3) By a certain date, have everyone submit their orders to a coordinator who will check the availability of items as his site isn't always up to date. Coordinator will inform those who may be affected by availability. When he gets bombarded by emails is when mistakes start to happen.
4) Let's make a list of who's in.
New frags baby!