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Old 04-23-2012, 02:03 PM
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Reef Supplies Reef Supplies is offline
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Originally Posted by paddyob View Post
No disrespect , but not certain if it's smart or suicide for a sponsor to start this type of thread.
Little bit of both maybe? hehe

We are very transparent, nothing to hide. Threads like this are what makes us vendors know what out clients want.

Originally Posted by madkeenreefer View Post
Supporting the Canadian economy is great! supporting your local economy even better .
but you said it yourself "above quote" its foolish to spend your money at one place when you can get it cheaper at another.
A good example is pritty much any online retailer in Quebec, they are always going to be more expensive due to the higher taxes.
Same for your store vs lets say J&L Aquatics I get the same thing for less but its still got to cross the country to get here.
This is why I always by outside Quebec
That's not how it works. We cant charge other provinces Quebec taxes :-)

Here is our tax breakdown

Alberta 5%
BC 12%
Manitoba 12%
NB 13%
Newfoundland and Lab. 13%
NWT 5%
Nova Scotia 15%
Ontario 13%
PIE 15.5%
Quebec 14.975% (no kidding we're pi$$ed lol)
Sask 10%
Yukkon 5%

Originally Posted by lockrookie View Post
in an odd sence of the matter at hand i kinda respect the vendor on this question. mainly from the information they can learn by our response if it can help them find a way to help and supply products at comparable costs. already mentioned was filtration media. some things are just not capable to get at lower costs and are out of control of the vendor being at the mercy of thier supplier. and thus far if they had something that i would like i may try them out. just at this time(no offence to reef supplies) thier site is new and i see nothing of intrest to me personally at this time.
Can you Email us what you would like to see on our store?

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