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Old 04-23-2012, 12:37 AM
scubadawg scubadawg is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 283
scubadawg is on a distinguished road

I always try a local supplier first if they can match or come close to the item I'm buying, I priced out a set of KW Variant 3 coilovers for my car

From U.S. Ebay: 3,299.99 Shipping 59.99 Final Cost: CAD$ 3940.41

2 suppliers from Edmonton, 3500.00 plus shpping and GST, 3600 plus shipping and GST.

Sponsor vendor from 6speedonline:
V3 $2800.00
Shipping to Canada is usually around $125-$150 based on exactly where in Canada it needs to go to. Final Cost: CAD$ 3462.16

Price from Toronto:
The KW V3s would be $2965 + 5% tax + $40 shipping so $3153.25 including shipping and tax.

I asked one of the local suppliers if they can match the Toronto price, and he said his price is his price, so Toronto get's my business

I don't understand how a supplier can turn down an profit just to bring an item that's prepaid? Isn't making some money, better than making no money at all, and what about future business, I won't be calling that company in the future to see if they want to match prices or come close.

Steve at Red Coral match a sale price form J&L, because I prepaid it, since he did not have it stock. I try to keep the money locally, if possible.

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