04-22-2012, 10:51 PM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Surrey BC Canada
Posts: 87
Originally Posted by SpateD
Just an FYI, I have called the food and animal inspection agency of Canada, the border and government offices all directed me to them. They deal with the importing of the none normal things.. like monkeys and all those kinds of things, get their scientific name, and common name, and ask if they are restricted. I know clownfish and leopard wrasses are none restricted from the USA as long as they have a packing list with common/scientific names, age, origin, and quantity.
Clean up crew's are not on the list either, they can be brought into Canada freely from the US. although he did warn me to be careful of the quantity I ordered, because if you bring in 100-200 snails/crabs, the people at the border may want proof of where they are going to be housed so they don't think you're going to sell them.
So all I can say is.. look up your food and animal inspection office nearest me.. which was Calgary, and they looked them up right on the computer for me and told me right away if they could come in or not.
Being that the things you want are from the Phillipines, I'd still ask... they'd be able to give you an answer. IF You want rock... Try buying base rock from the USA - (marcorocks.com) I had them ship rock for free to the border, I picked it up and brought it across with no hassle, then just seeded it with live rock from a LFS.
Thank you for going doing the research. Thanks so much.